How Many Years After Bankruptcy Can You Get a Mortgage?

Are you wondering how long you have to wait before you can get a mortgage after bankruptcy? Bankruptcy can have a significant impact on your financial life, including your ability to obtain a mortgage. In this article, we will delve into the waiting periods and factors that determine when you can qualify for a mortgage after bankruptcy. So, let’s break it down and find out how many years you need to wait before you can secure that dream home.

Understanding Bankruptcy and its Effects on Mortgage Approval

Bankruptcy is a legal process that helps individuals or businesses eliminate or repay their debts under the protection of the court. It provides a fresh start for those burdened with overwhelming debt. However, it also leaves a lasting impact on your creditworthiness, making it more challenging to get approved for a mortgage.

When you file for bankruptcy, it becomes a matter of public record and remains on your credit report for several years. This negative mark on your credit history can significantly lower your credit score. Lenders consider credit scores as an indicator of an individual’s creditworthiness, making it crucial to understand how bankruptcy affects your mortgage eligibility.

Factors Influencing the Waiting Period for a Mortgage After Bankruptcy

Various factors come into play when determining the waiting period for a mortgage after bankruptcy. These factors include the type of bankruptcy you filed, the waiting period associated with different mortgages, and your credit score and financial stability.

The waiting period refers to the time you must wait before being eligible to apply for a mortgage after bankruptcy. It is essential to understand these waiting periods as they can significantly impact your ability to secure a mortgage.

How Many Years After Bankruptcy Can You Get a Mortgage?

Let’s dive into the specifics of how long you need to wait before you can obtain a mortgage after bankruptcy. The waiting periods can vary depending on the type of bankruptcy and the loan program you choose.

Conventional Loans:

For borrowers who have filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the waiting period is generally four years from the discharge or dismissal date. However, if you filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the waiting period is typically two years from the discharge date or four years from the dismissal date.

FHA Loans:

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provides options for borrowers with a history of bankruptcy. For borrowers who have filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the waiting period is generally two years from the discharge date. If you filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be eligible for an FHA loan after one year of making satisfactory payments and with court approval.

VA Loans:

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers home loan benefits to eligible veterans, active-duty service members, and surviving spouses. For borrowers who have filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the waiting period for a VA loan is generally two years from the discharge date. If you filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be eligible for a VA loan immediately after the discharge.

Exceptions and Special Circumstances:

It’s important to note that there can be exceptions and special circumstances that may affect the waiting period for a mortgage after bankruptcy. For example, if you can demonstrate that the bankruptcy was due to extenuating circumstances, such as a serious illness or job loss, lenders may be more lenient in considering your application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the typical waiting period after bankruptcy?
A: The waiting period varies depending on the type of bankruptcy and the loan program. Generally, it can range from two to four years.

Q: Can I get a mortgage before the waiting period expires?
A: While it’s challenging, some lenders may consider your application before the waiting period expires if you can demonstrate strong creditworthiness and financial stability.

Q: How can I improve my chances of getting a mortgage after bankruptcy?
A: To enhance your chances of getting a mortgage after bankruptcy, focus on rebuilding your credit, maintaining stable employment, saving for a down payment, and working with a knowledgeable mortgage professional.

Q: Will my interest rate be higher if I apply for a mortgage after bankruptcy?
A: Your interest rate may be higher initially, given the perceived risk associated with a bankruptcy. However, as your credit improves over time, you may be able to refinance and secure a lower interest rate.

Q: Can I qualify for government-backed loans after bankruptcy?
A: Yes, government-backed loans like FHA and VA loans offer options for borrowers who have filed for bankruptcy, provided they meet specific waiting period requirements.


Securing a mortgage after bankruptcy is not impossible, but it does require patience and strategic financial planning. The waiting periods for different types of bankruptcies and loan programs are key factors to consider. Rebuilding your credit, maintaining financial stability, and working with a knowledgeable mortgage professional can significantly improve your chances of obtaining a mortgage after bankruptcy. Remember, everyone’s situation is unique, so it’s crucial to seek professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances. So, stay determined, be patient, and take the necessary steps to achieve your dream of homeownership after bankruptcy.